Five & a half months, JJ's still kicking, I figure we gotta be doing something right, yeah?
Oh, I know I got flowers last year while I was pregnant... but it's different, somehow, now that I've actually got the kiddo in my arms and I can squeeze him.
I love his expression here, he's all like
"Mooooom, not in front of the guys!"
I miss my mom... at least once a day I look at my son and think "HOW did she ever pull this off?"
But I tell gotta ya, folks... faith in humanity has been restored this week.
First a box the size of big tv shows up on my doorstep, sent by a friend from college, stuffed full of baby clothes. When I got them all sorted out, I realized I won't have to buy clothes for JJ until sometime next year. I actually *have* to put him in something new every day for a while in order to use the smallest stuff before he gets too big!
And yes, we're taking lots and lots of pictures.
Then Friday came, with D's basket of survival goodies, and once again, I bawled. I mean messy, snotty, red-eyed sobbing, y'all.
Then Mommyland posted the link I sent them to their Facebook page. I didn't even see it at first, until I was all "um... why are my page views suddenly going through the roof???", and I looked, and I tell you people, my jaw hit the freaking floor. I called a friend to do the OMG dance, and yeah, the girlie shrieking was pretty epic. The phrase "my day just can't GET any better" was repeated several times.
Saturday I got a card from another Mother Pucker, and again I did the face down in my arms weepy thing.
B from New Jersey... YOU so totally rock!
That afternoon, my husband came home with this little treasure.
"My Wife: A Wonderful Blessing In My Life
I'm glad
it's Mother's Day
because special days
like this
remind me
how fortunate I am
to have your love
and you...
I could not
have been blessed
with a more wonderful wife
than you.
Happy Mother's Day
with Love
God Bless the New Mommy, Love
Yeah... more sniffling. Forget a tissue, this week has run me through the whole box.
This morning... JJ decided he was NOT INTERESTED in his nap. Little monster screamed and whined, and I finally gave up and just handed him to his father.
And then he smiled at me. Grrr.
Little monkey has the most infectious smile. He grins that little grin at you, and no matter how irritated you were, you cannot HELP but smile back.
I give. He wins.
We all love the punkin! Best Mommy-Day Prezzie ever!
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